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Do you know your personal brand?
Let’s explore a term that may help you: Life Message.
Great brands have a CLEAR IDENTITY in the minds of people. It comes out of their Life Message. Think of your brain as an art gallery. A great historic personality owns a certain room or wall where they exhibit who they are in an image or sound bite, captured in a few descriptive words. Your “brand” is actually your Life Message. It is the story of who you became as a result of the choices you made and the uniqueness of your individual design.
For example, the following descriptions sum up the calling or mark these influential people have had on the world:
Billy Graham – The Statesman Evangelist
Mother Theresa – Mercy and the poor
Churchill – Courage in crisis
Charles Finney – Revivalist
Edison – Inventor and entrepreneur
Moses – Deliverer of the Jews
Nehemiah – Leader who rebuilt the wall
Joshua – Possessing the inheritance
Every life tells a story. The Bible is a book about people’s choices and the consequences of those choices. Each one of us is a walking book of instruction that serves the universe as either a warning or an encouragement. There is something special that happens as we make Christ Lord over our lives. You’ve likely been told, “Your history becomes HIS STORY.“ Well, in a very real sense God actually does tell the world something about Himself through us—we reflect His character and nature. If you want a great story, keep close to the Author and yearn for an audacious demonstration of His calling.
When you are doing what God has called you to do, you no longer become an echo shaped by the culture, your past, or the influence of other people. You become an authentic voice.
Key Takeaways To Remember:
Your Life Message involves a cause you care about.
Your Life Message will make full use of your particular gift cluster.
Your Life Message is a clear theme running throughout your entire life.
Your story lives on in eternity.
Let’s build a culture where each person explores and expresses their Life Message. No two are alike.
As One, Lance Wallnau